2025 – Week 1: Weekly Progress Update

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What an End to the Year!
As we kick off the the year, I’ve been making significant progress on some personal projects, which I’ll share below:


The latest update for this site is the launch of a fresh UI. While there’s still a bit more work to do, the home page and blog are up and running. My next focus will be ensuring all my social links are properly integrated.

One of the more challenging moments came when I was building a Next.js and Strapi v5 website. I hit a major roadblock with ESLint build issues, which proved difficult to resolve. Instead of staying stuck, I decided to pivot and spun up this WordPress site in just a few hours.

Refreshing this site gave me a chance to enhance my WordPress skill set, and once that was done, I switched back to working on colliercomputers.com.


I was excited to dive back into colliercomputers.com, another WordPress-powered site. While I haven’t been focusing on the website itself, I’ve shifted my efforts to documenting the computers I’m working with and organizing benchmark data.

Initially, I thought a spreadsheet would be sufficient for tracking benchmark tests. However, as I started creating a template, it became clear that a spreadsheet wouldn’t scale well for what I had in mind. Over the Christmas and New Year’s break, I decided to take a different approach and built a quick application, Benchie.io, to streamline the process of recording and managing benchmark results.


Benchie.io is a user-friendly app I designed for enthusiasts, collectors, and tech-savvy individuals like myself 😉. It helps users document and track benchmark results effortlessly. Currently, users can log in, create entries for their computers, and add benchmark details from popular tools like CPU-Z and HWINFO32—with plans to support even more tools in the future.

Whether you’re testing the limits of cutting-edge systems or exploring the performance of vintage machines running Windows 95, 98, or XP, Benchie.io provides a centralized hub to store and organize your benchmark data.

This personal project leverages the skills I honed while working with Next.js and Strapi 5, drawing on the lessons learned from developing my jorgeiglesias.com site (which I haven’t fully launched—yet).

I’m excited to continue expanding Benchie.io by adding new features and enhancing its functionality in the future!

That’s it for this week’s updates! With the Christmas and New Year holidays, I had some extra time off from work, which allowed me to dive into the Benchie.io project. Now that I’m back to my full-time job, I expect to spend a bit less time on personal projects, but I’m excited to continue making steady progress in the weeks ahead.


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